Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Name Change....

Hi there!

It occurred to me this morning that I should try a different name for this blog and "Accidental Hippy" works for me. 

I've called myself an accidental hippy on more than one occasion (usually at folk music festivals - depsite the fact that at folk festivals is where I feel the furtherest from "Hippy" as I socialise with dyed-in-the-cloth hippies). 

Today I was thinking about my cloth nappying, baby wearing, home made baby food, non-cry-it-out settling, co-sleeping ways and figured that a lot of people would call me "Hippy" and so I took action.

Hopefully soon I will make some posts more frequently than quarterly!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Quality Time With The Family?


1. The housekeeper should rise early, open up the house, then have a cup of tea.
2. Prepare the breakfast, i.e., make porridge, put the kettle on.
3. Sweep the room in which the meal is to be taken.
4. While dust is settling, put the articles for setting the table on a tray.
5. Dust the room.
6. Set the table.
7. Finish preparing breakfast.
8. After the meal clear away, brush and fold the cloth.
9. Wash up.
10. Attend to the bedrooms, which should then be sufficiently aired.
11. Plan and arrange the meals for the day.
12. Sweep and dust the house.
13. Special work.
14. Preparation for lunch.
15. After lunch wash up and prepare dinner. Leave the kitchen tidy.
16. Free time. Sew, recreation etc.
17. Cook and serve dinner.
18. Wash up and tidy the kitchen.

Savage, Winifred 1941 A Handbook of Home Management, 6th Edn, Alfred henry Pettifer, Acting Government Printer Sydney


Friday, May 29, 2009


Well. It's been nearly a year since I have posted. My excuse is I've been somewhat busy and/or tired for most of the past year. I do however have a few projects to work on, so I hope I can remedy that.

With Squiddley's arrival life has changed dramatically. Life with a child does tend to make one much more domestically focussed. A baby does not *make* you stay home, but it tends to be easier to stay at home. "Ducking out" anywhere doesn't happen for me too much any more, given that I don't usually have a hand free as I walk out of the door, and that's after I make sure there are no obvious puke/pee/poo stains one either of mine or Squiddley's outfits. The size of the baby is not an indication of how much extra work there is to do either. One look of our washing line on laundry day and you'll usually find half the line dedicated to Squiddley's clothes/sheets/wipes/nappies and the other half is for us bigger folk in the house.

I plan to organise my budget better, and plan more to leave less to chance in our lives. Its such a simple thing to say, but a big thing to do, so hopefully, that's a project that will have some longevity.

I've also been using Modern Cloth Nappies (MCN) exclusively for the last couple of months and have had lots of questions about them from friends who know that I'm using them. I've discovered that my opinions of the many different styles and brands change back and forth over time as Squiddley grows and fills them out differently. I decided that I should write about my experiences so that I can share them with interested folks without coming across as some kind of weird nappy zealot - there are enough ways I'm weird as it is!

So, that's my plan. Given that it has taken me hours to write this much, we'll see how it all goes.

Hopefully, I shall update soon with some MCN chronicles!